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  • Can caregivers ride?
    Yes! We encourage this. Caregivers ride free with the client, we want your family member and our client to be comfortable. This is better if the caregiver is in the van with us instead of following behind us.
  • Do we take insurance?
    At this time we do not accept insurance. However, we will gladly give whatever information is needed in order for you to self-file. (Please make sure to double-check with your insurance company)
  • Are we rideshare?
    No, we are not rideshare, this would fall under Uber types of services. We want our focus to be on the client and their needs, not focusing on the next ride. We schedule our day to make sure each client is our focus at the time of the appointment
  • Do we wait in the doctor's office or other places?
    In short, we are a door-to-door service; we will make sure you/your family member gets inside and make sure they are okay. Caregivers do ride for free. *Please let us know if someone is needed, may have someone who can sit with you.*
  • Do we transport outside of the Wake County Area?
    Yes, we will travel outside of the area, and out of state. We do these trips on special requests and advance notice. Please call us for more details and pricing.
  • Pricing
    Our prices vary and are not listed on the website. Please call 919-805-8027 for the best price for your transport needs.
  • Do we have after-hours?
    Yes! We do, prices vary so, we ask you please call us for pricing. Our goal is to help you at whatever time we are needed. *We are open 24/7*
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